Marvell 88NV1120 SSD contain 00 or GAME OVER data recovery

current we got many inquire about Marvell SSD data recovery which contain 00 or GAME OVER in every sector. as client explain, these SSD still can get correctly ID,capacity and view SMART status,
but can’t access data.
marvell 88nv1120 recovery

88nv1120 game over

marvell SSD recovery

marvell game over recovery

marvell SSD game over

SSD game over recovery

for such condition. we have ideas for recovery data from these Game over Marvell 88nv1120 SSD even data recovery equipment don’t support it yet.

SSD model:
KingShare金胜 E330 SSD

need help or some advice for your case? feel free to contact

1. we trust our diagnostic report only. please tell us full story of case and why can’t recovery in previous data recovery. we will make decision case worth for try to data recovery or not.
2. our equipment suppprt your case model or not that’s may not the point. we had to diagnostic with your case details.