Toshiba hard drive usb pcb to sata pcb

usb external hard drive popular now. we often meet usb external hard drive data recovery case. as these are usb pcb and our equipment support SATA or IDE deal with firmware. so we had to
convert pcb to IDE or SATA interface for data recovery process.

current some data recovery partner asking for info about Toshiba usb external hard drive pcb model G00039A how to convert to SATA or what model for compatible SATA pcb. for this model Toshiba hard drive pcb, G4311A is the right one for replace usb pcb.

Toshiba external hard drive usb pcb convert to sata interface for data recovery

Toshiba usb pcb convert to compatible sata pcb list

need help or some advice for your case? feel free to contact
let’s make things better!

1. we trust our diagnostic report only. please tell us full story of case and why can’t recovery in previous data recovery. we will make decision case worth for try to data recovery or not.
2. our equipment suppprt your case model or not that’s may not the point. we had to diagnostic with your case details.